

A thorough case history, consultation and osteopathic based assessment enable us to isolate where problems stem from and how we can approach the issues at hand to maximize the benefit of your treatment. The assessment involves visual discernment of the areas in question, range of motion testing, and a hands-on approach to find asymmetries of tissues and structures. Client comfort and modesty is of the utmost consideration when doing these tests and assessments.


A tough connective tissue that is woven through and around all of our muscles, organs, blood vessels and nerves is called fascia. This fascia is a very important support structure that, when healthy, stretches and moves without much resistance. However, when trauma to the body occurs (ie: surgery, falls, even poor posture), this leads to uneven tension and resrictions in movement. A domino effect of compensation and dysfunction occurs, with pain resulting.

Through slow, deep pressure (without oil), adhesions within the fascia can be stretched and released, helping to restore balance and reduce pain.


These long flowing strokes are the core of many massage thereapists/ treatments. They range from very light to quite deep with various pressures. Client comfort and tolerance determine the levels used.
These techniques are effective as a stand-alone tool for gereal therapy, or as a warm up/cool down for specific treatment. They are also a very valuable assessment tool for the therapist.


Joint mobilizations use the strength of the muscles in the affected area, with emphasis on specific movements and muscle contractions, with some gentle encouragement by your therapist, to realign articulations and surrounding structures. This can include ribs, vertebrae, hips and knees.

Joint mobilizations greatly enhance the efficacy of the treatment by further enhancing joint movement and muscle balance. This equates to faster recovery and longer-lasting positive results.

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